Can I Mow My Lawn After Rain? Everything You Should Know About Land Mowing

Land Mowing

Are you thinking about mowing your lawn right after the rain? Or are you confused about it as you have heard that it is not good to cut the grass when it is wet? 

Generally, the grass is mowed to keep it healthy and conducive to growing faster and establishing itself. It helps in keeping the lawn stylish and clean. However, mowing the lawn after rain can often be detrimental if not done with proper care. 

Why should you not Mow your Lawn after Rain?

Mowing your lawn after rain can potentially damage both your property and the lawnmower. Mowing damp grass can:

  • be risky- there are chances that you might slip or fall while mowing
  • result in uneven cuts
  • weaken the roots
  • boost the spread of lawn diseases
  • create ruts or large holes in the lawn and
  • heavy lumps that fall out of the mower can affect the growth of grass beneath them.

Impact on Lawnmower 

Apart from this, mowing damp lawns can badly affect your machine. The engine works more complex as the wet grass clippings are comparatively heavier and harder to move. This can result in rusting of parts, poor performance, and corrosion of fuel lines, tanks, and the engine. 

Using an electric lawnmower can cause shocks due to the contact with moisture. If you are using a gas mower, water might enter your gas tanks. Cutting wet grass can dull the blade and the machine can get clogged due to large lumps of grass. A clogged deck disrupts the rotation of the blades, and your mower might stop working forever.

Checklist Before Mowing Wet Lawn

Ideally, you should only mow the grass when it is dry enough. However, it would be difficult to find the grass completely dry during rainy or winter seasons. If you don’t have any other choice, consider a few things as mentioned below before determining whether to mow your lawn or not.

  • 1. Check the kind of mower you are using

Cutting wet grass puts a heavy strain on the mowers, leading to overheating of the equipment. Wet lawns can only be tackled by solid commercial mowers with sharp blades and good cutting decks. It’s advisable to save the mowing for later if your mower is not so powerful. So, find the best riding lawn mower dealers in your area and purchase the best unit that suits your lawn. 

  • 2. Consider how wet and tall the grass is 

Mowing thoroughly wet and tall grass would often be extremely difficult. Always try walking across the lawn, and if your shoes get wet, never mow your lawn. As damp grass bends over, your mower might probably miss or knock over taller grass and leave uneven cuts. 

If your property is only slightly wet, you can try mowing a row if your machine is powerful enough. If you find the mower is emrangled or heating, stop immediately and visit lawn tractor services nearby as soon as possible!

  • 3. Examine the grass in the lawn before mowing

As mentioned above, wet grass tends to cut less cleanly, resulting in more extensive clippings. Even if they get slightly dried up, they bend over and often block your mower’s deck. Thus, it is always best to mow when the grass is upright.

Check the mower’s deck frequently to avoid clumping grass in the deck. Heavy clumps that fall out of the deck will eventually destroy certain sections of the lawn.

  • 4. Check the soil condition

Mowing damp lawns can create large holes or increase the risk of rut damage. Grassroots get easily torn out by mower tires as wet soil is often soft and slippery for mowers. If the soil looks muddy, it’s usually better to wait.

However, if you need to mow grass that is partially wet from time to time, you can also consider:

  • Investing in an excellent commercial mower that has the power to mow damp grass
  • Use mowers with large wheels and lightweight to avoid rut damage
  • Do a trial mowing on the lawn 
  • Adding a stabilizer to the gasoline or fuel tank to prevent overheating, repel water and decrease evaporation
  • Try using a leaf blower to straighten the grass
  • Sharpening the mower’s blade so it could cut the wet grass effortlessly
  • Raise the mower wheels a bit higher and move them slowly to reduce the stress on the engine and avoid clogging
  • Paint the mower deck to prevent rust
  • Cut the grass in small patches
  • Clear the grass underneath the mower’s deck at regular intervals and clean the deck right after the use
  • Rake up all the clippings after mowing the lawn

How much you try, mowing a wet lawn will have its consequences. Therefore try to follow up the mowing process with the steps given below:

  1. Aerate the lawn using a garden fork or a power aerator
  2. Do not mow the wet lawn frequently
  3. Clean up silt in the lawn to avoid contamination
  4. Remove mosses and algae dumped in the lawn
  5. Fertilize the lawn to help the grass repair itself
  6. Remove all debris and mowed grass from the lawn
  7. Keep an eye on mushrooms popping in the lawn

Choose the Right Mower For Mowing Your Wet Land

The best time to mow your lawn is when it is dry. However, if you cannot do anything else to manage your yard, keep the tips mentioned above. 

Keep your lawn clean and healthy without compromising the quality of your mower and your safety. 

For your mower and lawn mower parts needs, visit Diamond B Tractors & Equipment. Our expert team can help you customize your mower or get it repaired based on your choice to provide you the best mowing experience. 

Stop by and enjoy premium services today!